Monday, July 16, 2012

A tonkotsu ramen from RamenPlay

To my surprise the basic tonkotsu broth from RamenPlay (313 Orchard Road, #B3-04/06 313 @ Somerset, tel : +65 6634 0051) was actually not bad at all. I suppose I had initially been prejudiced since this was a venture by Breadtalk and local bakeries dipping their fingers into the already competitive ramen business wasn't exactly what I had felt to be something I would have thought to be "competitive".

Here was a creamy thick broth without some of the additional layer of dimension as compared to Ikkousha or perhaps Keisuke's Tonkotsu King, but it did possess the basic flavors that were sufficient that I wouldn't discount them so readily in the future. Even if they hadn't been using the firmer textured Hakata styled thin noodles which I would very much prefer. Even the soft and thin sliced charshu wasn't too bad as well. I couldn't say that RamenPlay is anywhere up amongst my favorites, but I still have to admit they're doing a decent job.

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