Monday, July 01, 2019

Burger King's Ultimate Angus Double Mushroom Swiss

Burger King, Ultimate Angus Double Mushroom Swiss

I haven't patronized Burger King locally for a while because I'm from an era when they used to be pretty tasty and think that they're but a shadow of their past today. I haven't thought well enough of them for more than a decade but a confluence of stars has had our paths crossed once more and I ended up with their Ultimate Angus edition of their Mushroom Swiss. Double and no less. 

Surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Those Ultimate Angus patties were thicker and more firm with a chunky meaty texture and moisture that their regular patties couldn't achieve. Better flavour too from those patties if that hadn't been my imagination. This must have been four times the amount of meat compared to their regular patties and it shows on the receipt. 

The fries are different from what I remember of them. But as I said, it was quite a while ago since the last time. These appear chunkier and tasted more potato like. A little pale and boring but nothing a few squeezes of Sriracha can't fix.

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