Thursday, August 30, 2007

Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger : Year One

Glancing back in retrospect at the past 365 days, it looks a-pretty-mazing how much I have eaten and how fast time has quietly slipped by beneath my attention most of the time. This blog began with honestly, very humble and personal intentions to serve as a personal food diary and place of perspectives. That meant that apart from the literal meanings of the name of this site, it is also a metaphorical expression for perspective. Bet most of you never knew that. You might have noted that it's grown to much more than that. Change after all is the only never changing constant. Cannot really say what's more to come except that this blog will thrive on as far as I can help it. It's always more exciting to trudge into the unknown sometimes. Stay tuned as always.


  1. I swear... u look fatter after all the food. Happy birthday (to a blog!).



  2. Happy Birthday!! I remembered the time you told me about coming up with a food blog...look at how far you have come...carry on the great work!

  3. Big congratulations mate! We're celebrate our 2nd year closely again next year aye?

  4. Love your blog big time!!!!
    Happy birthday and please please please, dun ever stop writing about your foodie adventures!!!!!
