Thursday, January 31, 2008

Generic food court beef noodles

The so dubbed Hainanese beef noodle has become ubiquitous everywhere. Meaning almost every food court sees a stall that sells them and I'm sure most people don't really think of them as a Hainanese dish anymore. It's just generic food court beef noodles which uses mass produced ingredients and can be whipped up to serve the masses in short order with relatively little sophistication in the course of preparation. For $4.50 as a set, this beef noodle from the food court at Century Square (2 Tampines Central 5, S529509) was actually something I had little complains about apart from the fact that the sauce was uninspiringly flat and the beef balls tasted of flour fillers. Still, it beat numerous others of a similar kind and the notable thing about this dry beef noodle was that the gravy didn't have the starchy lumps that are commonly in other unnamed places.

1 comment:

  1. I miss the one from Cuppage Hawker Centre. The generic food courts one just don't match up...
