Saturday, August 30, 2008

Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger : Year Two

Another year has passed for Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger. And here I sit, wondering to myself what should I say for this marker entry that places a milestone of 2 freaking years of taking pictures with my trusty old camera phone. Some changes are surely bound. I cannot really say when and how, but it will happen. Just like it has all along. Sometimes behind the wheel - the machinations that drive this blog, and sometimes, the digital canvas that you read upon. Hopefully, the unchanging constant would be that - the show must go on.

"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can..."
as sung by Gandalf the Grey


  1. Happy Bird Day!

    Your trusty old camera phone doesn't deceive. It's the best and a wonderful best. :)

    Eat on!

  2. Happy Anniversary.. Buddy..!! now is the time to move this blog to a more professional platform eh..??

  3. Happy 2nd and many happy (and delicious) returns!!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Small Potatoes! Go on, get fatter!!! Plump up!!! haha... ;o)

  5. Thanks for the thoughts and comments people. :D

  6. happy second anniversary, dude, albeit a few days late.

    here's to more "bigger steaks"! ;D
