Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So apparently, the local fast food joints of McD and Burger King are suddenly embroiled in some form of competition in an attempt to measure which has the larger e-peen in the form of their quad stacked patties in their burgers. Damn, didn't anyone notice how many 'in's I had used in the previous sentence? I was (being me) nonetheless intrigued despite somewhat knowing what to expect out of them and here's the supposedly ballsy option from BK which features 4 patties and their crappy turkey bacon slices. It didn't quite pack the satisfaction as the triple whopper did and it's probably because there wasn't any onions. Then again, the triple whopper didn't have so much cheese. They probably would have won McD hands down if they had used real bacon, but that aside, really, it's cheaper to just eat this. Doesn't take a lot of balls really.


  1. What's that one dollar doing there lol.

  2. It's for size comparison, I think...

  3. i still think that the whopper wins hands down. this burger was too dry for me. the pseudo bacon did nothing to make the burger taste nice. its either mushroom swiss or the whopper for me.

  4. Hey hey fellas, D is right. It's for size comparison so that you can have an idea on how big/small it actually is relative to the coin.

    I personally prefer the triple whopper over this too.

  5. hmm...ok I'm weird then. I thought it's more for price indication, that is you got $1 change for $10.

    Is the pattie of the whopper any different from this? Both BK and McDs should just intro quarter pounders in their menu.

  6. i think mac had quarter pounders a long time ago. bk i think also has that but they just disappeared after a while.

  7. Whopper's patty is bigger. This burger uses their regular sized patties.

  8. ah teo: omg. BK now has a mushroom swiss whopper 5-inch wide they call it OMG. 2 of your favorites all in a burger. :)
