Wednesday, May 15, 2013

MexOut, Far East Square

Here's a rice bowl (mess tin actually) and some corn tortilla tacos from MexOut. I'm not sure how American Mexican this place (39 Peking St. #01-01, tel : +65 9770 7441) really is, but I actually quite like the food here. Those chopped up carne asada simply works on the tacos and I liked the heat from their salsa picanto. It's just too bad they were out of lamb today (already on a Wednesday afternoon?!). I'm not sure when's the next time I'll be able to come back. Food like these needs to be a little cheaper too.


  1. i tried out their burritos and do like it! though it can't be compared to Chipotle in the USA in terms of serving size

  2. i do like their burritos! though sadly it can't compare to Chipotle in terms of their serving size

  3. oh nice! I'm going tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
