Sunday, September 07, 2014

Small Potatoes Make The Steak Look Bigger : Year Eight

Another slightly late anniversary marker. It's been 8 years, hasn't it?

This picture up there is the cover of Scorpion Swamp, the 8th from an old series of Fighting Fantasy game books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone that used to be the thing back in the 80s. For adventurous little boys with greater ambition than that of being a chosen one destined to defeat a dark lord through a battle of wands that is. I kinda grew up with those choose your own adventure games along with stuff like Joe Dever's Lone Wolf and Blood Sword by by Oliver Johnson and Dave Morris.

Scorpion Swamp was memorable for one thing. It was the first of those books where you could map the terrain through the game like a grid. Even though it didn't have one of the better artworks or story lines.

Fun times then.


  1. Happy 8th year! Hope many more years to come!

  2. Has it been 8 years already? More good years...

  3. @Nathanael
    Thanks. Many more I hope as well.

    Yes it has, time flies doesn't it?

  4. In fact I am (was?) A fan of the Lone Wolf series...I believe I have the complete set of gamebooks and even a limited edition of the Magnamund companion book (guide to the world of Lone Wolf) stashed somewhere...

  5. Woah, are you intending to dispose of those? Hahaha....

    By the way, the books can be replayed at Project Aon.
