Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Pho No. 1, Springvale, Melbourne

Melbourne, Pho No. 1

Yeap, we did have some pho while we were in Melbourne. This shop (17-19 Buckingham Avenue, Springvale, Melbourne, tel : +61 3 9546 9528) was a recommendation from some friends.

Melbourne, Pho No. 1, pho tai gau

The portions were pretty big. Here's a medium sized pho tai gau - a combination of sliced beef and fat with nice slurpy rice noodles. It looks a little gross from the yellowed bits of fat but there was actually some flavour to be had from chewing them. Soup had a light beefy flavour but also a little sweet. That's not bad at all, but given a choice I still prefer the all savoury version which O Banh Mi does. 

Melbourne, Pho No. 1, egg soda

That's a soda sữa hột gà, also known as egg soda. It has milk and egg typically but this particular one also has orange. It doesn't taste weird if that's what you're wondering. Couldn't taste the egg in the drink. The milk and orange combination is pretty much what one is getting from the Sunrise at Coffee Bean, no? Well, Sunrise has got vanilla. But still it's a little like Yakult right? With a little bubbly. Not strange at all.

Melbourne, Pho No. 1, basil lemon bean sprouts

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