Monday, January 01, 2018

Revisiting The Market Grill and the post lunch teh halia

The Market Grill, Telok Ayer

This was the eve of New Year's Eve lunch at The Market Grill. I came here thinking burgers but clearly, we got distracted.

The Market Grill, suntory black

There's the black Suntory on tap here. It's rekindling my fondness of the place already.

The Market Grill, lobster salad

We had lobster salad. Not the mess that many people pass off as lobster salad. This one was cleaner, pronounced and didn't make any attempts to hide the fact that there's really lobster in the salad. Think some of the liquorice flavour from the fennel got onto those tails or I'm tasting lemongrass. I'm confused. But I'm liking the goat's cheese and burnt grapefruit.

The Market Grill, onion matchsticks

Their onion matchsticks was something I typically wouldn't have given a second look or thought on the menu. We actually ordered it today. This stuff had a great flavour on its crispy batter that made it addictive. 

The Market Grill, venison

Venison had me there with that spiced black current jus. Meat was tender with a nice sear on the exterior. Too bad it's only available for the Christmas period.

The Market Grill, sakura chicken

We don't typically order much chicken at places like this but Market Grill's sakura chicken deserved a mention that it was delicious to say the least. The meat was tender, moist, nicely brined and aromatized by the browning on the skin. So tender was that meat that I managed to debone the thigh with fork and knife.

teh halia

We moved next door for some teh halia after lunch. Only in this part of the world can this be possible and I give thanks for these little blessings. So now I know their ginger isn't spicy but it's good enough that I wouldn't mind it again.

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