Monday, May 13, 2024

Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall, Telok Blangah Food Centre

Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall, chicken briyani

The indicatory signs to something delicious were definitely around at Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall (#01-07 Telok Blangah Food Centre, 79 Telok Blangah Drive) when we were there in the weekend morning; from the telling queue of anticipating faces to the bustling of the crew behind the stall front working animatedly, whipping out plates of prata and nasi briyani.

Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall, mutton briyani

The plates of briyani we got were served piping hot, rice aromatic and delicious even before the curry. Curry's good too if anyone was wondering. We got chicken and mutton. The former came with portions of breast meat which was reasonably moist and the latter, easily scraped off the bone with tenderness. Gotta come back again for more of it.

A few days later...
Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall, prata

So we had the telur, telur bawang and a kosong. Prata's pretty good - light crisp with bite and the kosong was fluffed up. The telur bawang had very little onions though. 

Sabeen Sara Prata & Briyani Stall, Telok Blangah Food Centre

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