Thursday, May 23, 2024

Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth (炎记品味海鲜汤)

Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth (炎记品味海鲜汤)

This revisit to Yan Ji was prompted, kinda, by the recent eat at Jia Li Seafood Soup. We were pretty sure that Yan Ji has a better tasting broth and wanted to...well, confirm if we remembered it correctly. Too many gaslights around lately. I never realized that they were branded Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth until recently. Anyways......

Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth (炎记品味海鲜汤)

These couple of bowls featured toman/snakehead and milkfish belly. The snakehead (bottom) one had a sweeter broth but the milkfish belly (top) had more flavour. In any case, both blew the broth from Jia Li out of their water. 😂 More umami, sweet and roundedness in the finish. Yan Ji was just so much more satisfying.

Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth (炎记品味海鲜汤)

Their pumpkin rice was dry and beady, flavoured largely by dried shrimp. Add chilli sauce for an awesome eat but otherwise, I wouldn't bother getting this again.

Yan Ji Gourmet by Good Earth (炎记品味海鲜汤)

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