Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Wildfire Burgers, Robertson Walk

Wildfire Burgers, Robertson Walk

We didn't have a good experience with Wildfire Burgers previously. The short of it was that I had never thought well of their burgers for a shop that mostly did burgers. I also remember saying that I wouldn't come back. For some reasons, we did. Good thing we did because this third time's a charm. This was the Robertson Quay shop (#01-12 Robertson Walk, 11 Unity Street) which we've never been to before.

Wildfire Burgers, telok ayer papa pineapple pale ale

Menu appears to have changed. The hoppy Telok Ayer Papa Pineapple pale ale's pretty good drinking. Flavour had citrus which made it refreshing. Yes, there was pineapple flavour minus the sweetness.

Wildfire Burgers, salt & vinegar onion rings

Those thin pale onion rings were nicer munching than I imagined. Thin and somewhat crispy.

Wildfire Burgers, wedge salad

We decided that we wanted a wedge salad because blue cheese sauce. Not bad.

Wildfire Burgers, classic 101 burger

Their Classic 101 cheeseburger's not bad. It's Stone Axe wagyu but look beyond that.

Wildfire Burgers, classic 101 burger

Meat's coarse mince, beefy and moist in medium-ish doneness. This result was a good texture with a bite while maintaining tenderness. Nice melted American cheese along with a faint register of pickles and onions, all between soft butter brioche buns. I can do with out the Chipotle mayo the next time. 

Wildfire Burgers, uni ebi burger

Tried their seasonal uni ebi burger. Panko-ed ebi patty with a rich squid ink aioli topped with uni. It's served with minimal theatrics.

Wildfire Burgers, uni ebi burger

The theatrics came after. Uni from a box was brought to the table and subsequently laid over. We were told that some people prefer to have it prepared in the kitchen but we didn't mind watching them scoop them onto the burger.

Wildfire Burgers, uni ebi burger

Poppyseed bun. 

It will be apparent for those who have had experiences with uni that not much of the them can be tasted through the burger. They did a great job out of that squid ink aioli which was pretty intensely flavoured on a prawn patty which was also delicious. That sea urchin was more ostentation than thought out burger crafting. It was good eating though.

Wildfire Burgers, Robertson Walk
Wildfire Burgers, Robertson Walk