Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), Chinatown Point

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), Chinatown Point

This spot where Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine is located (#01-41/42 Chinatown Point, 133 New Bridge Road, tel : +665 6732 1898) used to be China Classic. Seem to recall seeing these guys at UE Square some time back in a setup that looked more classy.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), Chinatown Point

The decor looked bare bones - pretty spacious and thin on character if you catch my drift. One of the private rooms was obviously filled with smoking people because you can definitely hide all the smell even when the doors are opened for brief moments. But enough with the observations...

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), dry pot cauliflower 干锅菜花

This wasn't the usual dry pot cauliflower (干锅菜花) we've had before. Shu Yan's rendition was a lot more salty and that was because of the pork they used for the stir frying. Those thinly sliced pork belly had a braised flavour and texture like waxed meat. Salty and great with rice.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), stir fried string beans干煸四季豆

Pretty decent rendition of 干煸四季豆 with the exception of one thing which bothered me. There were too many bits of the Sichuan peppercorns in it which made it a hassle. While I enjoyed the flavour from the peppercorns, I didn't like biting into them.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), stone pot tofu lamb 石锅豆花肥羊

This was their stone pot tofu with lamb (石锅豆花肥羊). It was a listed as a signature dish and we were looking forward to it because 肥羊.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), stone pot tofu lamb 石锅豆花肥羊

Sadly, the 肥羊 was a disappointment. The meat was marinated/sodium bicarbonated to death. 😞 Texture was unnaturally smooth and perky with no identifying flavour from the meat. 😞 Seeing that that's how many stir fried beef dishes are processed locally, I don't think that bothers many people. It does me. Chewing on a piece of fat barely brought out the ghost of the lamb-y flavour. 😞 Tofu was fortunately nice.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), rice

Gotta remember that food's generally salty and oily with 小辣 already packing some heat.

Shu Yan Sichuan Cuisine (蜀宴), Chinatown Point

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