Thursday, August 22, 2024

Yellow noodles from Ah Seng Teo Chew Minced Meat Noodle (亞誠潮州肉脞面)

Ah Seng Teo Chew Minced Meat Noodle (亞誠潮州肉脞面), yellow noodles

Yellow noodles this time round at Ah Seng Teo Chew Minced Meat Noodle. Was originally curious about their bee hoon which was listed as a noodle option on their menu but they did not have any so I ended up getting this instead. A second time (or third if you counted this) I'm on bak chor mee with yellow noodles. The first was at Lai Heng and I think they did it better with the texture. Otherwise, the saucing and ingredients were exactly the same as every other time I've had a bowl here.

Ah Seng Teo Chew Minced Meat Noodle (亞誠潮州肉脞面), yellow noodles

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