Saturday, December 28, 2024

裕廊东18年传统味鱼圆面, Maxwell Food Centre

裕廊东18年传统味鱼圆面, minced pork noodle pig stomach

Noticed this relatively new stall (#01-59 Maxwell Food Centre, 1 Kadayanallur Street) at Maxwell and was drawn to them because the menu pictures of their minced pork noodles had pig's stomach in it. Since they also had pig's stomach mee sua on the menu as well, I figured that the tripe in bak chor mee picture was probably not just "for illustration purposes only". Here's their bowl with additional $2 portion of the tripe. 

Noodles were pretty generic tasting and not in a doneness which I prefer but the bowl was generally good eating with good quality ingredients. Those boiled pig's stomach were relatively tender too. There's also laksa on their menu which didn't look bad as well.

裕廊东18年传统味鱼圆面, Maxwell Food Centre

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