Saturday, December 07, 2024

Mansion Tea Stall, Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur

Mansion Tea Stall, Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur

Doing the food tourist thing here getting roti canai breakfast at Mansion Tea Stall (Jalan Masjid India No 2, Lorong Bunus Satu, Selangor Mansion, Kuala Lumpur 50100, tel : +60 12-331 1456). 

Mansion Tea Stall, Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur

Place was a lot older than I imagined from the pictures I saw online. Vibe felt like an era gone by.

Mansion Tea Stall, tea

But first, tea while waiting. I like what they're doing here. It's not particularly strong but it's sweet without being excessively so and milky without being overwhelmingly creamy. Just sweet tea with milk in my  range of preferred equilibrium.

Mansion Tea Stall, roti special

Pretty much everyone was getting their roti special which was presumably roti canai that was banjir-ed, hit with a dollop of spicy sweet sambal and a couple of soft boiled eggs. "Presumably" because those didn't taste like roti canai. Something was missing in the bread. Not that it would be easy to tell in the eggs and sambal and curry but I'm pretty sure it tasted different. Anyway, not bad. I wouldn't come out all this way for it the next time though.

Mansion Tea Stall, roti boom

Decided to end it with a roti boom.

Mansion Tea Stall, roti boom

Can't tell if it's Planta and sugar or if there's condensed milk in it but that golden hued insides with sweet grease sure was delicious.

Mansion Tea Stall, Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur
Mansion Tea Stall, Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur

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