Monday, February 19, 2024

A lunar fish salad of our times

lou hei yu sheng 鱼生

Just some thoughts on yu sheng (鱼生). For a long time, I never connected with it. It was just an annual ritual from a tradition stemming from......childhood I suppose. Never fully understood its origins. Never liked the bits of ginger it it.

lou hei yu sheng 鱼生

Aside from short rambunctious spurts of "huat ah!", I didn't feel much for lou hei. After all, most of us were just going through a motion because everyone else did with everyone else. But as the years went by, we took things into our own hands. Got rid of what we did not like about it and made it our own

lou hei yu sheng 鱼生

There's been a few variants of it. This year, we ventured into Donki's platter. In this one, we added hamachi and tai (also courtesy of Donki), canned mandarin oranges and fresh pomelo along with an extra splash of Korean sesame oil. No ginger of course. A lunar fish salad of our times that's closer to my heart with people that are closer to my heart as well..

lou hei yu sheng 鱼生

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