Monday, July 29, 2024

Revisiting Chatterbox

Chatterbox, Mandarin Gallery

It's been some years since we were last at Chatterbox. Not that we were aching to come back but it was a suggestion that did not sound bad. Now that we have, we also realized that the entire place has been renovated. Place looks a lot more classy.

Chatterbox, chicken rice

We ended up with chicken rice and ngoh hiong.

Chatterbox, chicken rice

Half a chicken was huge. They're apparently free ranged from a farm in Malaysia which I hear provides only for Chatterbox. Bird's served boneless, was meaty, full of bite and tasted...retro. So that's what time honoured recipe means. In retrospect, there're a number of options out there which are more enjoyable in my books. With eyes closed and a rock tossed at random space, I think I might have hit Jew Kit

Chatterbox, ngoh hiang

I thought their ngoh hiong looked disappointing. What with the fried skin and some meat paste protein matter suffings. Definitely not the type I envisioned in my head.

Chatterbox, ngoh hiang

Fortunately, it did not taste half bad. Skin was crisp, pretty fragrant and the stuffings did not taste as paste-y or floury like it looked. But still we weren't exactly impressed and will probably never get it again. At the prices Chatterbox charges, I would love to be impressed.

Chatterbox, Mandarin Gallery

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