Saturday, August 10, 2024

More food from Al Tasneem

Al Tasneem, North Bridge Road

Back at Al Tasneem. Could I be just trying to stay away from Zam Zam and Victory for the current time while exploring the food here? 🤔 Perhaps. Then again, there were some things that I've been meaning to get as well.

Al Tasneem, chicken dum briyani

Love their chicken dum briyani which has a deliciously savoury spice infusion in the rice that belied its mundane appearance. Great flavouring in there. It's not apparent in the photo but there's raisins and cashew nuts in the rice. The chicken we got today was breast meat, arguably tender for such a part but a little dry-ish. Nothing that their spicy assam curry couldn't fix or improve on.

Al Tasneem, turkish kuey teow goreng

There's a bunch of Turkish noodle gorengs on Al Tasneem's menu. The proprietor explained that they contain meat from the doner kebab stalls. Specifically A-Mor down at the junction which they also own. So here's a Turkish beef kuey teow goreng. Rice noodles were a little greasier than I like but these usually are. Meat was unexpectedly beefy with a nice chew to the texture. Not bad. 

Al Tasneem, fried chicken liver & gizzards

An order of fried chicken liver which also happened to contain many pieces of gizzards which I don't care so much about.

Al Tasneem, paru goreng

Paru goreng was delicious and actually pretty tender except for the parts with bronchioles of the lungs.

Al Tasneem, teh tarik

The mediocrity that was the masala tea from the last time echoed still. In spite of that, we tried our luck with the teh tarik and we're glad we did. This was not the run of the mill sweet milky tea. The flavour from this one had character. Pleasantly surprised here.

Al Tasneem, North Bridge Road

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