Friday, October 06, 2023

Deer briyani and fried chicken livers from Zam Zam

Zam Zam, deer briyani

I saw that Zam Zam has deer briyani or briyani rusa on their menu the last time we were in the area so I wanted to try it just to see if there was any difference with the deer meat from their murtabak. Yes it's that small piece at the top left corner with the achar.

Couldn't tell it was deer. Might have been a piece of beef but it lacked the beefiness. It was relatively tender and delicious though with the nutty masala but there wasn't anything definitively venison I could discern. A good tasting briyani no doubt but considering that it was $20 and the mutton or beef renditions are about $8, this was underwhelming. First and last then.

Zam Zam, fried chicken liver

Got a serving of stir fried chicken livers to go with the briyani. They usually come with some attached hearts and gizzards. Enjoyed the dry spicy seasoning with the slightly chewy edges on those livers. Yeah, one does not go for tender and creamy in these renditions. 

Zam Zam, North Bridge Road

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