Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Chicken claw noodles from (New) MacPherson Minced Meat Noodles (麦波申肉脞麵)

(New) MacPherson Minced Meat Noodles (麦波申肉脞麵), chicken claw

Another bowl from (New) MacPherson Minced Meat Noodles - this time it's their chicken claw mee pok. Getting a good flavour in those claws from the braising sauce. Each of them also had different levels of tenderness so while they were arguably slurp off the bone tender, that tenderness probably might not be consistent. Also will not be in the same leagues as places like Imperial Treasure. 😂 

The minced pork on the side was an add on if anyone was wondering.


  1. Have you tried ah kee beef noodle right next to this? I actually eat there regularly, and they recently changed their tripe to a different and much more delicious cut.

  2. I've noticed them but haven't tried. Thanks for the head's up. Will look into them the next time I'm at Commonwealth.
