Monday, June 28, 2010

Soup kuey teow from Hong Heng...

I can never seem to get enough of this stuff. Now that the novelty of the laksa beef noodle has worn off me here, I'll be sticking to regular smooth and ricey soup kuey teow to get my fixes. I'm even willing to make exceptions for hot days when I don't normally like anything that has hot soup.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Morrocan lamb burger from Burger Shack

Burger Shack, Morrocan lamb burger
This lamb burger from Burger Shack was pretty good. The meat patty was robustly flavourful from the lamb pairing up nicely with what passed off for their Moroccan spice in a good way. Minimal frills to detract from the natural taste meat. My only complain was that one needed the fries as a filler since these things weren't really that huge. But it was good enough for me to come back for.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Modern Peking Duck, ION Orchard

I've always wondered about this Peking duck kiosk (2 Orchard Turn, #B4-75 ION Orchard, tel : +65 6509 8539) whenever I happened by. Deep inside, I was thinking that they couldn't be that great despite the queue. So I gave them a go and it was quite disappointing as Peking ducks go. The skin wasn't the least crispy and were a little chewy. My heart died a little when I saw them scraping away the bits of fat underneath the skin as they were preparing them. So the flavour as we know of them were pretty much out the window. I guess these things would be okay if you just thought of them as little duck in crepe snacks rather than Peking duck. Don't think I'll buy from them again.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Kko Kko Nara, Tras Street

Kko Kko Nara
I got curious about Korean fried chicken lately so we decided to look up Kko Kko Nara (57 Tras Street, #01-01, tel : +65 6224 8186) which is located a few minutes stroll away from Tanjong Pagar MRT.

Kko Kko Nara, fried chicken
Being uncharacteristically cautious, we grabbed a sort of sample platter for the fried chicken since we didn't really want to be stuck with something in the event that we didn't like any of the flavours. This turned out to be a good decision as the garlic sauced variety was predictable and a little boring. The spicy sweet sauce for the...well, spicy sweet option was a little too sweet. Didn't really work out for us. The most enjoyable option from the platter was the original which featured deep fried crispy battered chicken parts which weren't excessively greasy. That, I liked.

On top of the chicken we got interested in a spicy pollack roe soup.

Kko Kko Nara, al tang
Kko Kko Nara, al tang
Kko Kko Nara, al tang

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tai Dong Teochew Braised Duck Rice, Lorong Telok

I'm not normally one for braised ducks because of the flat pieces of meat and the boring starchy gravy, but Tai Dong's (No 9 Lorong Telok, City Front Kopitiam, tel : +65 6532 3226) Teochew styled braised duck was a different beast altogether. For starters, the sauce accompanying the duck was a flavorful herbal concoction that tasteed much better than the gooey ones commonly available everywhere else.

Boiled peanuts which I normally don't pay much attention to. I still don't.

Their take on simmered cabbages was excellent, redolent in the flavors in both the aroma and taste of dried shrimps. We enjoyed this so much that we ordered another after another. Three plates of them (amongst 4 of us) if you had lost count.

When one opts for sides along with the duck, the livers, tau kwa and boiled eggs should never be forgotten. These items contribute to the heartiness of the meal. I have little doubt that the eggs and liver helped to the "hearty" effect. The soft and piping hot bean curd paired up excellently with the herbal sauces that came with them.

The main stay of the braised duck here as I've mentioned was the flavorful herbal sauce that comes with the bird. Notice that the skin of the duck is much darker than the common braised ducks.

Rice with that meal that made me eat more of my usual intake of carbs. It's the gravy's fault.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Zan Ji Mixed Veg Rice, Whampoa Food Centre

Zan Ji Mixed Veg Rice, Whampoa Food Centre

After several visits which I gave this stall passes, I've finally decided to give this neighbour (Block 90 Whampoa Drive, #01-67) of Uncle Sim a go and it turned out to be a pretty good recommendation. The food tasted better than I had initially thought, especially with the simmered cabbage that was like a fresher nonya chap chye. We were also fortunate to arrive at a timing when they had just brought out a fresh batch of crunchy stir fried french beans and warm fried chicken. They had a rich curry (which I had to request separately for) to go with the rice too which sealed the deal for me. While I don't write about mixed vegetable rice often, this one was just one I had to bring up.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Seventh Heaven, Raeburn Park

the itsy

This place (10 Raeburn Park, #01-24, Marketing Institute of Singapore, tel : +65 6227 7787) was an unusual setup. They had a fancy looking website, a shop that looked like a deli (even equipped with a ham slicing machine) and were touted as a shop that did artisanal ice creams. They were apparently also making what they called manwiches - sandwiches with a conglomerated mess of processed meat fillings. Something that I probably would have tried doing at home.

The differences between the manwiches were basically the meats. The Doobies Debris which they described as Dagwood's ultimate sandwich was filled with smoked turkey, pork roulade, ham and farmer's meatloaf and the Itsy was corned beef, roast beef, pastrami and salami. Even though there was about an inch thick of processed meat after compression, I didn't think they fit the depiction of what I used to see Dagwood Bumstead make for himself. Lol.

Jokes aside, the meat and cheese sandwiches were all cold cut. They looked hearty and generous but probably weren't the best behemoth I've had. Would have benefited from warm fillings but there didn't seem to be much of cooking facilities in the kitchen. The bread wasn't toasted or even warmed. Tasted a little sweet and milky and had a dry crumbly texture which couldn't hold the contents very well. Couldn't understand why the home made coleslaw. It tasted quite good but used as a filling made eating messy. Not one of the better built sandwiches out there in terms of taste if not the quantity of meat fillings. Some PLT or mustard would have been great.

doobies debris

Ice cream tasted a little dodgy. Textures were a little undulating. The peanut butter flavour wasn't particularly peanut-buttery but it was creamy. It also seemed like they ran out of a number of the other alcoholic flavours which were under the recommended list.

I don't think I'll make the effort to come out of the way unless there're doing warm sandwiches. Service without a crowd was excruciatingly slow for food that required little preparation.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fresh Fish Seafood Soup, Sembawang Hill Food Centre

Fresh Fish Seafood Soup, Sembawang Hill Food Centre

This place (590 Upper Thomson Road, #01-36 Sembawang Hill Food Centre, S574419) is a little hideaway for fish soup introduced to me by a friend which we could go to, off the lunch hour since that time of the day does away with the horrendous queue under the usual relentless and sweltering humidity of the afternoon.

We normally grab the fish soup with instant noodle option and I like mine with an additional topping of fish eggs. I couldn't really say what is truly compelling for me in this particular stall. Perhaps, it was the clear tasting soup lightly flavoured with pepper, garlic and fried shallots that could be spiced up with accompanying chilli padi. Perhaps, it was the rustic looking and fresh tasting fish slices and curly instant noodle. Not that those noodles were undercooked as I normally would enjoy them. But I've always found this stall to be a nice sanctuary for a late lunch.

Friday, June 11, 2010

New Victory Restaurant, North Bridge Road

New Victory Restaurant, mutton murtabak

I've been wanting to come down to this place (701 & 703 North Bridge Road, tel : +65 6298 6955) for the longest after Zam Zam to see what were the differences between the two since they had similar looking murtabaks. Funny thing was, according to them, this shop was also a hundred years old this year too. We have by happenstance, visited two neighbouring stalls that are well known for the same food in their hundredth year.

To be honest, it has been more than a year since Zam Zam and there were so much similarities in their murtabak that I was hard pressed to detect much differences between the two. Both had the signature look of folded prata layered with egg and crusted with bits of ground mutton. Both were also loaded with sweet chopped onions and were served in pretty large portions. Perhaps New Victory lacked a little punch from the flavour of the ground mutton. I cannot be sure. I think I'll need to head back to Zam Zam again soon if I had to differentiate them. This locale at North Bridge Road offers an unparalleled option for murtabak which probably cannot be found elsewhere.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Canton-i, Orchard ION

The wanton noodle down at Canton-i (2 Orchard Turn, #03-14 ION Orchard, tel : +65 6509 8368) was not bad. Portions were kinda small though. What pleasantly surprised me was the firm and chewy texture of the noodles that felt almost like Tsim Chai Kee in Hong Kong. Almost. To compare between the two, I would have to hands down pick the latter as the better bowl for both the taste and the level of satisfaction. Portions were definitely more generous and it was less expensive. The wantons here in Canton-i might have been larger than many, filled with fresh crunchy prawns. Still not a match for the flavours and size for the king prawn wanton noodles Tsim Chai Kee. 

I ordered their Japanese sweet potato with cheese out of curiosity and those turned out to be two little dry bars of sweet potato with a textured crust at the top that had so little cheese that I couldn't taste them.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Lunching at Your Woul

Your Woul
Headed back to Your Woul to try their lunch sets priced at $9.90 and landed ourselves a heo dup bab and a jab che bab. These items turned out to be pretty good. The former was almost a riot of flavors (in a good way) from the fish roe, seaweed, sesame seeds and what tasted to me like some sort of powdery fish floss. I definitely would have loved for this to be in larger portions.

The jab che bab set as I've learn from previous experience were glass noodles and some assorted vegetables that came with rice. The rendition of the jab che here was savory and peppery compared to the ones done at Arirang. I couldn't say which one was better since I enjoyed them both.

I'm starting to like the chilled cinnamon and ginger date tea stuff that they serve at the end of meals.

Your Woul, japchae bap

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Burger Shack, King's Arcade

This place (559 Bukit Timah Road, #01-01 King's Arcade, tel : +65 6466 3477) which was opened by Island Creamery wasn't too bad at all. The double burger from the menu had did come with nicely char grilled medium well patty which contained enough flavors to be both beefy with the grill aroma at the same time. Albeit, neither of which were as intense as I would have preferred. I guess having just some onions and a leaf of lettuce helps things not to be detracted from the original flavors they were trying to build here and it was probably a good thing that I forgot to ask for additional toppings of cheese. I did like the lightly toasted and airy buns which they used. Fries were pretty ordinary and I thought that having more variety of beers apart from just Tiger would probably spruce the place up in the arena of options.

Nothing over the top or mind blowing, but good enough for me to come back again to.

Friday, June 04, 2010

Arirang Korean Restaurant, Liang Seah Street

Arirang Korean Restaurant, banchan
Unusual how we were led to this restaurant (1 Liang Seah Street, #01-07/08 Liang Seah Place, tel : +65 6333 0025). We were looking for a place to eat where we could pay by card because we had run out of cash. Coming in from Beach Road and hungry, this happened to be one of the first places that we came across that looked decent and with the recent Korean food craze we were in, it looked like it was a good idea.

We were quite glad that we gave it a chance despite the initial apprehension I had after seeing the crazy crowd seated indoors for their all you can eat "Korean" BBQ buffet.

Arirang Korean Restaurant, japchae
We started off with a plate of japchae (sounding suspiciously like a Nonya chap chye) which was a large portion for something that came from the appetizer section. I was initially worried from the first mouthful that the sweet flavour of the vermicelli would become overwhelming like the jajangmyeon experience previously, but the taste actually grew on me. The sweetness were relatively mild and the play of textures between the chewy glass noodles and mix of vegetables were enjoyable. Will definitely put this under a re-order consideration.

Arirang Korean Restaurant, seafood jigae
The spicy seafood soup here put the one at Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken to shame. It was a notch spicier. In the unassuming pot of orange broth beneath the vegetables and tofu, were 4 large prawns, mussels, fish and squid. In spite of being slightly overcooked, the natural sweetness of the prawns came through. This soup was a daily special of the week and the setback for it was an affordable $10. Considering that it came with rice and refills of banchan, I thought it was a pretty good deal.

Arirang Korean Restaurant, beef jigae
What took us by surprise for the spicy beef soup was the beefiness in the broth which we had assumed would be subdued by the spiciness. Again, another interesting bunch of textures coming from the meat, sprouts, spring onions, egg and vermicelli. The fact that there wasn't really that much beef in them didn't even matter.

I think I'm willing to overlook the mediocre banchan and come back again.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Your Woul, Goldhill Centre

Your Woul
We liked the food at this place (165 Thomson Road, Goldhill Centre, tel : +65 6251 0123) enough that we came back for seconds on the very next day to do dinner again. The crowd on the weeknights helped convince us that we were eating at some place right.  But service sure did become very spotty once it got crowded. It was rather difficult to get any attention during those peak hours, especially with the refills of the banchan. There was definitely some preferential treatment going on around here. I'm serious.

Service aside, the food was unpretentiously hearty. A couple of notables from the banchan included the smoky sweet radish and fragrant fried anchovies. I haven't yet mastered the subtleties of kimchi. To me they were pretty much just a variation of different levels of sour and spiciness, so I couldn't really comment if it was good.

Your Woul, banchan
1st night

Your Woul, kimchi jigaeYour Woul, al bap
We opted for a kimchi jigae and a aal-bab set. The latter a stone rice bowl that came topped with what looked like tobiko. I guess what I liked about the spicy kimchi soup was the bodied aroma apart from just the obvious sour and spicy flavours. It was almost like there was miso in them. The aal-bab was a reminiscence of Chinese claypot rice with a medley of flavour from the pickled vegetables, seaweed and burnt bits of rice off the sides. Apart from the occasional pop between the teeth, I couldn't get much out of the fish roe.

2nd night

Your Woul, dong tae tangYour Woul, octopus
On the returning night, we grabbed a dong tae tang which was a pollack soup and a spicy stew of baby octopuses and pork belly. Beside the hassle of having to remove endless amounts of fine fish bones off the pollack, the food was all tasty with the sweet and savoury almost miso like quality of the soup filled with the big headed bean sprouts which I liked. Same for the nutty and spicy gravy which the sliced pork belly and octopus came in. The gravy from the latter made me order extra portions of rice.

I would love to come by for more of the food here. But I suppose it is time for me to give the other places a chance.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken & BBQ, Ngee Ann City

Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken, banchan
Here was an opportunity to get reacquainted with some Korean food and even though this Crystal Jade (391 Orchard Road, #04-20 Ngee Ann City, tel : +65 6733 3229) might not have been the best place to start, it was convenient. The setup was much like many Korean outfits. There were tables fitted with a grill for meats. Things got moving after orders with a serving of banchan. I loved those big headed bean sprouts there.

Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken, beef ribs
The stewed beef ribs was pretty good at the start with generous portions and caramelized bits. After a few pieces, the sweetness became cloying and it started becoming a chore to finish. The meat was not as tender as I was hoping for and they certainly weren't the type that slid of the bone easily. Wasn't something that I disliked, but one could just eat a little before the taste became monotonous. Definitely for sharing between more than 2-3 persons.

Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken, seafood jigae
Faring better in my opinion was the spicy seafood and tofu soup. The combination of savoury and spiciness definitely helped offset the sweetness from the ribs. I was actually expecting a larger variety of seafood from the name of the soup but I guess it was just shrimps and squid.