Saturday, July 27, 2024

Back at Ma Maison Kitchen

Ma Maison Kitchen, 100AM

Ma Maison Kitchen, onion gratin soup

That's the onion gratin soup. Beef stock with onions and a slice of baguette in a cup covered in cheese. It's their rendition of the French soupe à l’oignon and a weak one at that. 😂

Ma Maison Kitchen, gyutan

They changed their recipe for their deep fried gyutan. We know because we've had them previously. The breading was oily and there's a discernible flavour of ginger which was never there before. Today's tongue was also hard and chewy. What was that expression about mending things that are not broken again? 🤔

Ma Maison Kitchen, camembert beef stroganoff

Pretty good Camembert beef stroganoff. I mean, their beef stroganoff has always been nice in a rich wine-y beefy manner with sweet onions and moreish chunks of beef. Having it was some Camembert in no way diminishes that. Even though it wasn't one of the better Camembert we've had.

Ma Maison Kitchen, napolitan spaghetti

I've been curious about their Napolitan spaghetti for a while but have resisted ordering it because the primary flavouring ingredient is ketchup. Did not expect the egg in theirs though. We finally tried it today. It's not as bad/sweet as I imagined. Also no bell peppers in it. Actually very edible with powdered cheese. 😬 Don't mind getting this again.

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