Friday, May 31, 2024

Back at Tokyo Soba

Tokyo Soba, Icon Village

Has been a while since the last time at Tokyo Soba (, , , , ). Today's experience was totally off, triggered by numerous little things that gnawed at me.

Tokyo Soba, gyu suki soba natto tsutsumi age

The quantity of the sliced beef was kinda measly for $20. But otherwise this was a pretty nice bowl.

Tokyo Soba, tonkatsu

Tonkatsu was okay tasting as long as one did not compare with the specialist tonkatsu shops. The pork was flavoured lightly with pepper. Meat was lean and a little dry. Easily remedied with the tonkatsu sauce.

Tokyo Soba, kaisen kakiage

Trying their kaisen kakiage for the first time. I liked it more than I thought I would. Seafood was pleasant, the onion was sweet and the fried batter wasn't bad tasting.

Tokyo Soba, kaisen kakiage

While I enjoyed the kakiage, I also thought it was a little too greasy.

What gnawed at me over this visit?
1) Default payment via mobile. This wasn't a thing for them in the past. Personally, I don't like being forced into it.  
2) The self order workflow had an additional step - some inconspicuous button that was required to be pressed for the order to be submitted after we had submitted the order. We did not realize that and waited for a long time before the shop informed us that our orders did not go through.
3) No freaking way to go back to the order list at the payment page. Good luck here if you had crafted long orders previously because we tried to remember it for 4).
4) We tried to order from a human and the human struggled to work their system to take orders. This step failed. We ended up back with the mobile ordering and mobile payment.
5) The wait was over 25 minutes for a half empty shop after the order had gone through.
6) Food was left on the collection counter for a considerable period. The hot food was cooling and the cold food was warming up. What the fuck is this shit?
7) Orders were incorrectly fulfilled. We never understood how can we were given hot nasu soba when the menu only has cold nasu soba?

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