Saturday, June 08, 2024

Getting cheese mille feuille katsu from Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison
Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

I had this impression that I've had the cheese mille feuille katsu from Tonkatsu by Ma Maison before. Since it's not in this blog, so it must not have happened before. 😂

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison, tea

Today's roasted barley tea was nice. Thick.

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison, cheese mille feuille katsu

Exactly like how I imagined it would be with mozzarella cheese in the rolled up layers of thin sliced pork.

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison, cheese mille feuille katsu

Nice cheese stretch which left behind a "cheese intestine".

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

Today's rice also looked better than the previous occasion. More multigrain-y.

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison, cheese mille feuille katsu

It's a different from the rendition at Tonkichi because of the cheese even though both were mille feuille katsu. Pretty happy with it. 

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison, tonjiru

Here's another way with the rice and the tonjiru. Am gonna stick with this for a bit.

Tonkatsu by Ma Maison

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