Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sardine prata from Jom Makan: Prata Saga Sambal Berlada

Jom Makan: Prata Saga Sambal Berlada, sardine prata

So Google's listing them as Jom Makan: Prata Saga Sambal Berlada now. Seems like Jom Makan's part of the name. Anyways, this was a sardine prata, not to be confused with sardine murtabak even though the only difference is that the latter has onions. Still a difference there. Had this on two occasions so far.

Jom Makan: Prata Saga Sambal Berlada, sardine prata

Presumably because of the sardines, there's plenty of moisture. Only the edges of the prata had a slight crisp while the rest of it was turning soggy. Which I didn't mind and I had kinda expected it. There's more sardines in it than I imagined; chunky and weren't drenched in tomato sauce from whichever can they came from. Both prata and fish were served piping hot. I liked this with a moderate application of the sambal and didn't think the dalcha was that great with it. Just saying so that I remember.

May try the sardine murtabak some day and if it's the same tomato-less sardines, chances are I'd consider this one leap ahead of what Zam Zam makes.

Jom Makan: Prata Saga Sambal Berlada, Tekka Food Centre

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