Monday, June 10, 2024

老菜市肉脞麵 , Tanglin Halt Market

老菜市肉脞麵 , teochew noodle

The name of the stall translates to Old Chai Chee Minced Meat Noodle (Stall #11 Tanglin Halt Market, 48A Tanglin Halt Road). I don't know anything about them but I've heard the English name before and that wasn't on their signboard. I'm reading it as these guys aren't related. This $5 bowl of Teochew mee came with one prawn - one that wasn't good...texture was a little powdery. But otherwise it's generic and edible. Nothing I would spend more than a couple of minutes in line for if I'm in the vicinity. 

老菜市肉脞麵 , Tanglin Halt Market

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