Friday, October 15, 2010

Samy's Curry Restaurant, Dempsey Road

Samy's Curry Restaurant, Dempsey Road

It seemed that we had inadvertently picked some of the popular dishes down at Samy's Curry (25A Dempsey Road, Tanglin Village (Dempsey Hill Green), tel : +65 6472 2080) which I was informed, was a sort of institution for South Indian food that's been around for like five decades. This was my first visit. A reminder for myself -  air conditioning might not be great indoors but al fresco also meant being lanced mercilessly by mosquitoes.

So what was it that I liked here? Their creamy dhal was unexpectedly delicious. Curried potatoes were more fragrant than I had imagined. Both were well done. Along with that tasty fish cutlet which was a mix of minced fish and potatoes if I'm not wrong - fried up in a eggwashed patty like a begedil.

The rich tasting masala chicken packed a bit of heat but was otherwise unspectacular - kinda like the tandoori chicken which was also rather ordinary tasting. Their signature fish head curry was thicker and spicier than what they served down at Muthu's. It wasn't too bad.

I wouldn't mind returning to try something else. I did enjoy the wash down of their creamy masala tea which they seemed in a hurry of serving.

Samy's Curry Restaurant, fish head curry
fish head curry

Samy's Curry Restaurant, tandoori chicken
tandoori chicken

Samy's Curry Restaurant, masala chicken
masala chicken

Samy's Curry Restaurant, fish cutlets
fish cutlets

Samy's Curry Restaurant, masala tea
masala tea


red fir said...

The dhal is indeed awesome. Try the mutton next time, it's my dad's default order here.

D said...

The small fried mutton cubes right? That's kickass

LiquidShaDow said...

Ok, will look out for those the next time I'm there.