Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hajah Maimunah this year

Hajah Maimunah, Jalan Pisang

Hajah Maimunah, sayur lodeh
sayur lodeh

Hajah Maimunah, sambal goreng
sambal goreng

Hajah Maimunah, gulai nanka
gulai nangka

Hajah Maimunah, siput sedut
siput sedut

Hajah Maimunah, paru balado
paru balado

Hajah Maimunah, rice begedil

I thought this was a pretty good lunch down at Hajah Maimunah except for one little thing. The rice was kinda dry in spite of appearances and couldn't even quite absorb the curries or sauces well. But the paru belado was tender, sambal goreng was surprisingly creamy and the siput sedut was kinda fun to suck out of their shells up to the point that the lemak gravy was burning my lips. Those begedil were delicious too.

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