Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Da Paolo Pizza Bar in the August of 2023

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, Jalan Merah Saga

It's been a while since we were last at Da Paolo Pizza Bar. Thought it would be a good time to revisit and also check out their limited time pizza for this National Day month.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, lobster bisque fried croquettes

Started with some lobster bisque fried croquettes. That creamy capsicum dip on the side - I tasted mostly just capsicum and olive oil and it was so good.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, lobster bisque fried croquette

These guys were serious when they put 'lobster bisque' in the name. The those croquettes were literally deep fried lobster bisque flavoured mashed potatoes. Nice.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, tagliatelle al granchio

One of the mainstays at Da Paolo is their pasta with creamy crab meat sauce. I think the recipe might have changed a bit through the years but the difference is probably not big. Today it's the tagliatelle al granchio. At a point of time, it was spaghetti. Even further back, it might have been an alla Vodka. I used to think of it as an Italian butter chicken noodle but it doesn't feel as rich anymore so that's why I thought the recipe might have changed. Even if it was a little.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, squid ink laksa pizza

This month's pizza special is squid ink laksa. The squid ink base was dark and like rempah. Reminded me of a dry sotong hitam gravy. The pieces of squid were smokey. Together with the curry leaves and chilli, the flavour was very Asian. There's no cheese. Could taste lemongrass. Those bubbly stuff were supposed to be laksa foam but I couldn't discern anything laksa-y about it. I wouldn't have minded this with some cheese.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, affogato

First time having affogato with dark chocolate ice cream. I'm not sure how I feel about them here because the espresso tasted bitter and quite strong on its own.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, affogato vanilla

With vanilla ice cream it's kinda like regular affogato. Which is understandable. Decent but not one of the better ones.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar, affogato dark chocolate

With the dark chocolate, a lot of the espresso is subdued. So it's not so affogato-y.

Da Paolo Pizza Bar,

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