I wonder if this has any relations with Tai Hwa down at Crawford Lane. The names sound almost alike and the noodles that both stalls used are remarkably similar in appearances. But then again, Tai Hwa still does claim that they do not have any other branches, don't they?
I think latter place has better texture for the noodles and there was vinegar going on where this one simply presented vinegar as an option you could help yourself with. This bowl wasn't cheap as ba chor mee goes, but it tasted pretty good and the larger sized orders are pretty generous. I liked the bits of dried sole they added to the wantons. And yes, soup with bits of minced meat on the side that I actually do bother to drink.
Unlikely. As Tai Wah has only 1 outlet.
I suppose even if it were really a legitimate offshoot of Tai Wah, I wouldn't really associate them with the original. I've eaten here thrice and on the first 2 occassions, I was served by PRC. Don't think what makes Tai Wah good could simply be just outsourced.
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