Monday, November 24, 2014

Revisiting Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家)

A revisit because we liked what we had the previous time we were here.

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), pan fried cabbage pork dumplings

Previously we had tried their steamed cabbage and pork dumplings, so today, we hit the pan fried version. These were rather competent as guo tie went. The skin was nicely browned at the base and the stuffings were decent but my favourite are still those from Jing Hua Restaurant (京华小吃).

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), suan la potato strips 酸辣土豆丝

I don't remember what these were called, but they're strips of potatoes that are flavoured with vinegar, fresh green chilli and dried red chilli. In spite of the chillis, it wasn't as spicy as it might have sounded. The texture of the strips of potatoes were excellent. It was cooked sufficiently, yet retained a light crunch.

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), big head beansprouts

More big headed bean sprouts that we had from the last visit.

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), tomato omelette

And then some stir fried omelette with tomatoes. These tasted better than they sounded. A blend of savoury and sweetness from the fruit.

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), stir fried bittergourd beef

Their stir fried bitter gourd and sliced beef was good. Well, I liked it. Because the meat tasted like what beef should taste like. The local cooks should learn from them and stop bicarbonating them to undeath. This was altogether a rather light savoury and bitter dish. In some ways, it was actually refreshingly clean on the palate. 

Dong Bei Ren Jia (东北人家), salted vegetable & mutton soup

That's the salted vegetable and mutton soup which we had previously as well that's not on the menu. 

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