I have no idea how often the Hokkaido Fairs come by, but I seem to see it every few times I pass by Istetan. This time round, they seem quite particular about people taking photos so I didn't get to get pictuers of some of the interesting sights of the fair. Temptation did succeed in making me part with some money for the Hokkaido produce which were really good stuff. These fairs are also really great for picking up tasty bites that one normally do not find elsewhere. Look out for the mouthwatering cheese scallops and check the price tags before you pay!
Ooh, scallop candy. When does this fair end?
Hey D,
22nd June - 2nd July from what I see on their site. That means I may have a chance to drop by again this coming weekend.
Hey mate, I finally made it down today (the last day) and they had sold out on the 150/kg scallops, damn! But I got my hands on some "soft scallops" which looked pretty similar. They taste pretty damn good too, with a very nice smokey aroma. I'll blog it soon. Thanks again for the tip.
Always welcome D.
from today's straits times,
the fair will be at Tampines Mall, 6th to 15th July
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