Saturday, October 29, 2011

Whole pork fillet tonkatsu and tempura asari from Tampopo

Tampopo, pork fillet tonkatsu
It seems that every time we visit Tampopo, these guys would come up with something new on their tonkatsu menu. The foie gras stuffed rendition which I had from the last time seemed to have become a permanent item on menu now. There's been so much items on the menu that I haven't actually ordered anything twice from their selection of fried pork cutlets. This time round, they have come up with what appeared to be the whole tenderloin for a small pig!
Tampopo, pork fillet tonkatsu

The katsu was covered in a golden brown breading. The lean meat didn't have much flavour but was quite tender and juicy. Sauces and dips on the side made up for for the taste. Nothing that a little squeeze of lemon or a dip of shoyu or ponzu dressing couldn't fix.

Tampopo, tempura asari

We got an order of the asari tempura for novelty's sake. Never had tempura clams with the shell on before. They tasted much like how they looked. The tempura batter was nothing to write home about. For those few clams that arrived, the dish didn't represent good value from what the restaurant charged for them.


TheCoolDude said...

It seems you have been partaking quite a bit of Japanese food lately :)

Felice said...

I would not eat pork that looks
quite 'undercooked' as seen from the
picture..better be careful !