Friday, May 03, 2019

Spicy coconut chicken wah-ffle from Popeyes

Popeyes, spicy coconut chicken wah-ffle

I was suckered into this spicy coconut chicken waffle because the poster mentioned kaya. I guess I've only myself to blame for failing to realize that the coconut component likely came from the kaya - which looked green on the poster but was actually the brown variety (hence the coconut flavour). Technically, they lied. Or misrepresented their products wilfully. Or whatever euphemistic phrases that people use.

The actual product wasn't as pretty as the advertisement. No one's surprised here. There wasn't any nacho cheese sauce on the waffle. Only some on the chicken. Some was a quantity small enough that I couldn't even quite taste through that waffle, chicken and kaya. The latter was just coconut-ty, nothing rich and creamy like they described. 

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