Thursday, February 15, 2024

Overbrød, Anchorpoint

Overbrød, Anchorpoint

We've been wanting to check out Overbrød (#01-14A Anchorpoint, 370 Alexandra Road, tel : +65 8951 1198) for a while. The food's Swedish as much as it can be here and Nordic isn't exactly commonplace so we were curious. The last time we had something like that was Gæst a decade ago. And no - Ikea's cafeteria does not count.

Overbrød, elderflower soda

Elderberry soda - like elderberry syrup in tonic water. It's probably that. Pretty sure they didn't brew the flower or berry in silver lined cauldrons under the magical light of the full moon during the Winter Solstice and then infuse the brew into carbonated water. 🌝 Nice reprieve from the sweltering humidity still.

Overbrød, Liver paté | Leverpostej

Leverpostej - House made baked pâté of pork and chicken livers, topped with pickled beetroot, bacon, dill, chives, and saffron aioli, served with a slice of toasted rye bread. Nice this one. The creamy pâté was savoury and livery which was suitably accompanied by the fruity pickled beetroot. Too little of the buttered seedy rye for each serving methinks. 

Overbrød, rye

We had to order more bread more to make good use of the remaining portion of pâté in the manner they had meant for us to enjoy.

Overbrød, Meatballs | Frikadellar

Meatballs (frikadellar) were nice. People expectedly compare them with the ones from Ikea across the road. These were undoubtedly superior. Meatballs were more tender sitting on mash layered in a richer creamy brown sauce. Overall experience was more luxuriant compared to......the one across the road.

Overbrød, Swedish Fish Stew | Fisksoppa

A fisksoppa - seafood stew with bits of halibut, salmon, shrimp and potato in a creamy dill-y lobster-y broth. This was delicious and a refreshing flavour profile from most lobster bisque around here. Also nice pairing with the buttered fennel toast. 

Overbrød, Shooting star | Stjerneskud

Tried an open face sandwich. This one was called 'Shooting star' (stjerneskud). Butter fried halibut according to them with.....the picture tells👆🏽. That mustardy coloured stuff was a Danish remoulade which tasted like it had curry in it. 

Overbrød, Anchorpoint

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