Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Spicies at SBCD Korean Tofu House

SBCD Korean Tofu House, banchan seaweed

It's been a while since our last eat at SBCD Korean Tofu House. Looking back, there was some sort of love/hate relationship we had going on with this place because there were times the food was agreeable and in others, they were disappointing. Today seemed to be one of those good ones. It was our first time with their combo meals which featured a sundubu and a main meat dish.

SBCD Korean Tofu House, dumpling sundubu

That's me and the mandu sundubu at Crazy Hot spicy. Notice the glossy and almost electrifying red bubbling in the pot. The fourth chilli. 

It was spicy but nothing near crazy in my opinion. I liked it.

SBCD Korean Tofu House, dumpling sundubu

There were at least a couple of mandu, bits of pork and a lot more tofu than I remember having ever gotten from here before. Also noticed some some chilli padi. Thoroughly enjoyed this spicy savoury stew.

SBCD Korean Tofu House, spicy bbq pork

One of the meat dishes we picked was their spicy BBQ pork. It looked like a pork bulgogi but there was some smokiness that indicated that the meat had been grilled. Tasted better and also a lot less spicy than the look suggested.

SBCD Korean Tofu House, spicy octopus

The other meat we got from their combo was their spicy octopus. In spite of the spicy appearances, it was mostly nutty and sweet. Almost reminiscent of satay gravy which are in general more nutty and sweet than spicy. The hot plate toasted vegetables were also much nicer eating with the sauce than I had imagined.

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