Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Casa Vostra, Raffles City

Casa Vostra, Raffles City

We've been waiting for Casa Vostra (#01-49/50/51 Raffles City, 252 North Bridge Road) to open for a while. Have read about the accolades of Antonio Miscellaneo and being ranked 57th in the world for best pizza didn't sound like a mean feat. Sounded like it was worth taking a look into. Since we have never had the chance to try his food at La Bottega Enoteca, we were looking forward to this one.

Casa Vostra, espresso tonic

First, espresso tonic. Nicely done with double shots of an aromatic brew they use and Fever Tree tonic.

Casa Vostra, porchetta

Porchetta - more thinly sliced than I imagined. Each of those slices with a bit of chew along the edges with the rest of it mostly tender and infused with the liquorice accents from fennel; and I think sage. By my estimates, this was possibly 2 slices of Marutama's charshu worth of porchetta. For $18.

Casa Vostra, tagliatelle crab

Not bad tasting tagliatelle with crab. Noodle texture's nice and portions were a little small. Could taste olive oil and butter in it but the pasta wasn't exactly buttery nor was the olive oil fruity. Crab meat had passable flavour. Nothing in the ingredients stood out in particular except for one; the sweetness of the tomato confit was nice.

Casa Vostra, tagliatelle bolognese

Tagliatelle Bolognese was delicious. The ragù was meaty, beefy and not drowned in tomato flavouring. Would not mind coming back for this. 

Casa Vostra, tartufo e pizza funghi

We were looking for a place that might be the equal to Zazz for Neapolitan style pizzas and Casta Vostra's Newpolitan sounded like it could be that. Turned out that this was a different thing entirely. The airiness of the puffy cornicion surpassed what we've had at Zazz. Our pizza crust was the lightest we've ever had; that and on some pretty delicious tartufo and funghi toppings on a creamy rich Taleggio. Nice.

Casa Vostra, strawberry basil olive oil

That panna cotta was small. Could have been just a two biter for me. The olive oil and basil was brilliant with the strawberry + sauce and creaminess of the panna cotta though. Yummy.

Casa Vostra, Raffles City

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