Thursday, September 05, 2024

Allora Ristorante & Bar, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport

 Allora Ristorante & Bar, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport

This was our first time eating at Crowne Plaza at Changi Airport. The hotel and their food has never piqued our interest previously but Allora Ristorante & Bar (Crowne Plaza Changi Airport, Changi Airport Terminal 3, 75 Airport Boulevard) has caught our attention recently.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, rosemary & black olive tonic water

Rosemary and black olive flavoured tonic water was actually pleasant. Then again, YMMV.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, peach tea

Their peach tea was odd. Tasted of jasmine and apple and there was too much syrupy sweetness. Pretty sure there was no beverage on the menu that had jasmine and apple.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, bread

Bread's forgettable but the tomato dip was chilled and refreshing.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, pizza tartare

This was their pizza tartare - a pizza bianca topped with Mozzarella, Castelmagno, Australia Angus beef tenderloin tartare and baby sprouts.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, pizza tartare

The tartare's not bad. Tasted like a milder rendition of French tartare de boeuf. Could taste capers. As a whole, the pizza was delicious with the combination of savoury cheeses, especially so for the toasty bits. The sprouts I suppose, was a green vegetal foil to the rest of the flavours. We liked this pizza.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, bruschetta mantecato

The bruschetta mantecato which featured cod whipped in olive oil and flavoured with whole grain mustard came after the pizza. Had expected this to come first since it was bruschetta. This one not bad tasting.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, lobster squid ink tagliolini

Their lobster squid ink tagliolini sounded good and wasn't expensive for a lobster pasta. The menu even mention that it has "bisque".

Allora Ristorante & Bar, lobster squid ink tagliolini

Flavour from the sauce was mostly tomato with a hint of seafood; definitely not bisque as we imagined. I wouldn't even use the word 'crustacean' or 'seafood-y' to describe the flavour. It didn't taste bad though and the texture of their handmade black ink noodles was nice. What wasn't was the lobster. Size of the meat was a third of the tail and was a little mushy. The claw also had little meat.

So in retrospect, this was kinda expensive.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, alloramisu

Their rendition of tiramisu was named Alloramisu. Tacky if you asked me. Savoiardi is homemade apparently. They wait staff trolly-ed out the ingredients and assembled it tableside, layering the coffee gel, mascarpone in cream canister and the biscuit that was drizzled with espresso before the topping of cocoa powder and flakes.

My thoughts? This was weak. Coffee gel's weak. Mascarpone's airy and weak. We could still get the crunch from the biscuit so it was obvious that the quantity of espresso was sorely lacking. It's a bit of flair and little substance.

Allora Ristorante & Bar, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport
Allora Ristorante & Bar, Crowne Plaza Changi Airport

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