Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Revisiting Wild Child Pizzette

Wild Child Pizzette, Circular Road

Yes we wiped the plates as a ritual of appreciation for the food. We enjoyed it that much at Wild Child Pizzette.

Wild Child Pizzette, spaghetti pesto

Spaghetti with almond pesto; there's also pine nuts and the cheese in there. Pesto was aromatic, savoury and nutty with a creamy texture that clung onto the noodles. Nicely done and those noodles had a nice bite to them. The white stuff on top was chilled stracciatella. 

Wild Child Pizzette, pizza asparagi

Pizza asparagi which was a pizza bianca from the specials menu. This was topped with fior di latte, baby asparagus, caramelized onions and their salsa verde. Of the latter, I detected loads garlic, a good dose of anchovies and I'm almost sure there's coriander. Flavour's sharp, herbaceous and well salted. Now that I'm back at this, I've also noticed that their Neapolitan styled crust was different from the ones at Zazz or Casa Vostra. It's pretty good.

Wild Child Pizzette, salted vanilla affogato

Another one of their specials was affogato with salted vanilla gelato. I appreciated the subtle variation with salted vanilla which didn't bring the original taste out too far. Where it didn't succeed becoming memorable was the coffee which lacked a rounded robustness.

Wild Child Pizzette, Circular Road
Wild Child Pizzette, Circular Road

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