Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Lobster broth ramen from Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo

Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo, lobster broth ramen

I've finally tried the lobster broth bowl from Keisuke. Strong, normal, hard. Didn't get to when Lobster King was around but they're apparently keeping it on menu at Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo

There's a moderated crustacean flavour in the creamy broth - meaning that it's there but not overwhelmingly so. Detected a little bit of heat. Tasted fried shallots too and that's kinda local isn't it. Not bad. Menma here is sweet and the thin sliced charshu was melty. 

Ramen Dining Keisuke Tokyo, lobster broth ramen

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