Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kam Boat House, Singapore Swimming Club

Here's a spread of dim sum and an order of roasted goose from Kam Boat House (45 Tanjong Rhu Road, tel : +65 6342 3659). From the menu, variety here was generally limited but the food was generally wasn't too shabby.

I'm sure I would like enjoyed a fluffier skin for the char siew bao, a creamier textured pan fried radish cake, more tender steamed pork ribs, a more distinctively defined siew mai flavors or even a lighter pastry for the char siew sou. Even the roasted goose could have been more tender. But that's just me picking on little things that I would have preferred. The food here was not bad. I could have gotten used to the more refined quality down at Imperial Treasure, which has to me been consistently one of the better and affordable dim sum places.

Was there anything that might have stood out from the food which we ordered at Kam Boat House? I guess I had enjoyed the nice flavourful aroma from the fat underneath the roasted light and crispy skin of the goose and their siew mai was actually competently done in spite of my rambling.

Kam Boat House, roast goose

Kam Boat House, pan fried radish cake

Kam Boat House, har gow

Kam Boat House, char siew bao

Kam Boat House, beancurd skin roll

Kam Boat House, black bean pork ribs

Kam Boat House, radish and......

Kam Boat House, char siew sou

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