Saturday, December 09, 2006

Warong M. Nasir, Killiney Road

Warong M. Nasir, Killiney Road
Warong M. Nasir, Killiney RoadI read about this nasi padang place and their beef rendang before and since we were in the vicinity today, Junie and I decided to check the place out. The eatery was quite easy to locate along the row of shop house at Killiney Road where the Killiney kaya toast place is located. The food here was pretty decent. Nothing was particularly exceptional though. I don't mind eating here but I don't think I'll specially come here to it unless I happen to be in the vicinity.

Warong M. Nasir, Killiney RoadWarong M. Nasir, food

Warong M. Nasir, beef rendangbeef rendang

Warong M. Nasir, ayam bakarayam bakar

Warong M. Nasir, sayur lodehsayur lodeh

Warong M. Nasir, gulai daun singkonggulai daun singkong

Warong M. Nasir, currycurry from yoghurt chicken

Warong M. Nasir, ricerice

I didn't think there was anything special about the beef rendang. The meat was a little too tough. The tapioca leaves were seriously in need of some kind of quality control. Some of the leaves tasted almost raw.

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