Sunday, November 25, 2012

Al Vecio Forner, Dorsodura, Venice

Al Vecio Forner, Dorsodura, Venice

It was only by happenstance (again!) that we came across and had lunch at this osteria (Campo San Vio, Dorsodura 671/A, Venice, tel : +39 041 528 0424). Story went - we were trying to get to a particular water taxi stand to reach a gondola point. That stop happened to be under repairs and we had to go one stop further and then cross a bridge to trek back for a ride which we were getting late for. The gondola ride service was kind enough to postpone our ride to a later timing and we had time for a leisurely lunch. End of story.

The food looked pretty atypical much like we expected when we ordered. I had finally gotten to try the Venetian styled livers which were essentially stewed with onions (heart cloggingly rich and delicious by the way) and grilled polenta. The latter reminded me a little of chai tao kuey. It all tasted fairly homely and basic.

Venice, Al Vecio Forner, fegato alla venezeania
fegato alla veneziana

Venice, Al Vecio Forner, grilled vegetables
grilled vegetables

Venice, Al Vecio Forner, baccala three ways
more baccala, three ways

Venice, Al Vecio Forner, tiramisu
a tiramisu that was much better than the last

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