Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Osteria L'upupa, Via Augusto Conti, San Miniato

Osteria L'upupa, Via Augusto Conti, San Miniato

It was getting late into the afternoon and we needed to get some lunch before leaving San Miniato. Prior to getting into this town, we were informed that most of the restaurants here would have their own truffle menu as it was in season and that we only had to avoid a particular place for their outrageous prices. Everywhere else was really just fair game so we hit the first place that had a queue of locals. Osteria L'upupa (Via Augusto Conti 15, San Miniato, tel : +39 571 400 429).

Food was simple, rustic and I think the restaurant service was a little overwhelmed by a full house.

San Miniato, Osteria L'upupa, beef carpaccio white truffle

To start was a beef carpaccio with Parmigiano Reggiano and shaven white truffle. The flavors of the thinly sliced meat was pretty good, if a bit sinewy at parts.

San Miniato, Osteria L'upupa, tagliatelline white truffle

Next up were the primo plato. We were pretty impressed by the awesome simplicity of their tagliatelline al tartufo bianco. Pasta, salted butter and truffle shaving. Widely accepted as the best way to showcase the flavour of the fungus.

San Miniato, Osteria L'upupa, pappardelle white truffle

The second of the first plates was their pappardelle ovuli e tartufo bianco. We had originally thought that it was just egg pappardelle and truffle, but the restaurant waiter/chef/owner had informed us that included fresh porcini as well. The flavour turned out more woodsy and earthy in comparison with the tagliatelline, but it was also in my opinion a less clean showcase of truffle. Not complaining here at all.

San Miniato, Osteria L'upupa, tagliata di manzo white truffle

The meat was a tagliata di manzo al tartufo bianco. Yes, it was all tartufo bianco since it was in season and we were in the middle of a fiera del tartufo. Aside from some olive oil and some unevenly distributed salt, the only other flavour component on the meat was white truffle. The medium rare meat was a little sinewy. Not complaining because it wasn't the most awesome steak out there. It just wasn't the point today. Just in case anyone was wondering at the colour of the top of the steak, most of the nicely done caramelization were hidden by the truffle shavings.

Osteria L'upupa, Via Augusto Conti, San Miniato

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