Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Panino con lampredotto

Panino con lampredotto

Lampredotto comes, from the fourth stomach of the cow. Like tripe is considered offal and once food for the poor. Today they are a legacy from the cuisine of yesteryears and also considered a delicacy of sorts. At least for me they are.

Boiled in a vegetable and herb broth till they were tender, the lampredotto was then sliced up and subsequently forked onto a hollowed out loaf. With little but salt and pepper and some salsa verde, the sandwich was made. And it was delicious.

I was told that these were pretty common in Florence, but had never happened across them along the streets until tipped of by a certain gentleman to search for the square with the statue of the little pig which was also incidentally a fountain. Actually a boar rather than a little pig. Where people spent a coin and hoped for a return to Florence.

Where else can I find more of these sandwiches?

Florence, preparing panino con lampredotto

Florence, preparing panino con lampredotto

Florence, preparing panino con lampredotto

Florence, preparing panino con lampredotto

Florence, preparing panino con lampredotto

Florence, Fontana del porcellino
Fontana del porcellino

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