Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pasticceria Dagnino, Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, Rome

Rome, Pasticceria Dagnino, cornetto arancini

Here's to grabbing a bite in the morning, pretending to be Romans with a cornetto and a cappucino down at Pasticceria Dagnino (Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando 75 (Galleria Esedra), Rome, tel : + 39 06 4818660 ) which was fortunately located very close to our hotel. This pasticceria emitted an old school charm that attracted me to it.

Rome, Pasticceria Dagnino, cornetto

A cornetto as I have learnt recently was basically a sweet pastry or confectionery that many people here grab in the morning as breakfast. It is usually a something filled with cream/custard/chocolate and often had over the counter with a caffeine of choice or also sometimes on the go. Rushing through a non leisurely breakfast on the way to work is a universal thing in all cities. But not for me today.

Rome, Pasticceria Dagnino, arancini

Aside from the nice custard cream filled croissant, we also balanced the sweet of our leisurely breakfast with some savoury arancini. Our deep fried rice balls of choice today were filled with diced ham and cheese. I liked the strength in the flavor of ham in this.

Rome, Pasticceria Dagnino

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