Monday, January 30, 2023

Another 牛肉炒面 and prawn dumplings from Tongue Tip Lanzhou Beef Noodles

Tongue Tip Lanzhou Beef Noodles (舌尖尖兰州牛肉面), 牛肉炒面

They didn't allow the change of noodles to the flat ones like they did the last time. Because of the texture, it definitely didn't taste as good as then and I thought the flavour also seemed different. Goodbye 牛肉炒面, you were good for just one bowl.

Tongue Tip Lanzhou Beef Noodles (舌尖尖兰州牛肉面), handmade prawn dumplings 手工虾仁水饺

Noticed that there were prawn dumplings (手工虾仁水饺) we've never seen on their menu before. These were quite nice. Looking past the thick skin, there were little condiments in the prawn stuffing that one could mostly just taste prawns.

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