Saturday, April 13, 2024

Another episode of recent (somewhat) eats at Sushiro


Here's a bunch of stuff we've had from Sushiro (,十一十二十三十四) in the past couple or more months.

Sushiro, mushisushi

There was a mushisushi/mushi zushi which they described as steamed sushi. A tiny portioned discount version of the actual thing no doubt. It's just a bunch of stuff they threw in with rice minus finesse. Did not taste bad but I know I won't be getting them from again.

Sushiro, crab leg kanimiso

Here's this thing which came as a set. A zuwai kani sushi which wasn't particularly memorable and a ball of kani miso rice sushi thingy which was really good. Now why would they also have the zuwai kani sushi available separately on a la carte but not that nice kani miso rice?

Sushiro, rich kani miso ramen

Rich kani miso ramen which wasn't as rich as I was hoping for. A bit more generosity with the kani miso would have been nicer.

Sushiro, crabstick tempura

Jumbo crab stick tempura. Pretty meaty. Not bad.

Sushiro, tempura shirako

Couldn't pass up on their shirako tempura.

Sushiro, hotaru ika gunkan

Hotaru ika season came by and these were pretty decent. There was a lot of flavour in the marinade of the firefly squids.

Sushiro, sushiro X ps cafe black truffle chawanmushi

Some Sushiro x PS.Cafe collab (hah!) featuring black truffle paste on chawanmushi. All the truffle flavour came from the paste.

Sushiro, sushiro X ps cafe black truffle chawanmushi

Scallops, shrimp, fish cake and chicken at the bottom. Think that's probably the regular chawanmushi stuff they put in it.

Sushiro, sushiro X ps cafe black truffle scallop

Another Sushiro x PS.Cafe collab - black truffle paste aburi scallop nigiri. Said truffle paste was from PS. Cafe. Tasted much like how it looked/I imagined. Pretty strong truffle flavour there so make of that what you will. 😏

Sushiro, aburi shoyu scallop

Their aburi shoyu scallop nigiri was delicious in its simplicity. That bit of saltiness from the shoyu, sweetness from the scallops layered with a light smokiness. 

Sushiro, fried hokke cheese

Breaded fried hokke with some cheese sauce. Not bad tasting. Solid crisp on the outside and tasted freshly fried. That cheese sauce was thick and creamy.


I was led to believe that their thick cut medium fatty tuna would be thicc!

Sushiro, thick cut chutoro

It's wider, not thicker. Felt cheated.

Sushiro, aburi engawa shoyu

Gotta grab the aburi engawa when it's available. It's often not available.

Sushiro, shirasu mountain gunkan

Shirasu is in season so a shirasu mountain gunkan. I wished they didn't include that bit of minced ginger in there. I thought it tasted absolutely fine sans ginger.

Sushiro, shirasu ramen

The shirasu noodles tasted different from the ones that the used to do. It wasn't a bad eat but I don't feel it's as good as the ones they make in the past.

Sushiro, cream cheese mentaiko gunkan

Cream chese and aburi mentaiko is also my salty guilty pleasure. 😏

Sushiro, sweet potato mousse

 Sweet potato mousse. Not bad also.

Sushiro, mango shave ice

Sushiro calls this mango shaved ice and I also hesitate to use the word kakigori. But that's what it was. It's okay, not something I'd look forward or want to come back to. I guess my main gripe was that the citrus from the mango came only from the sauce, bits of mango and the pearls which could definitely do with more generosity. The shaved ice had the flavour of mango minus the citrus.


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